News: Maneta Leaves Stain In Upville
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Jun 23, 2012
disqualified from the StarGame show is first becoming a taboo and thus
leaves housemates with alot to talk about as regards that particular
The manner in which one exits the StarGame house has of late caught
so many people’s attention because it determines the kind of reputation
one leaves behind.
Upville’s Prezzo, Barbz and Junia spent part of the afternoon in the garden talking about their former housemate, Zimbabwe’s Maneta. The VIPs were talking about the circumstances under which she exited the house and part of her life in the house.
Prezzo was of the view that the disqualification would have been
avoided if at all a few things were taken as jokes. The Kenyan rapper
said that at the moment Maneta ran down to the kitchen to collect
cleaning fluid to pour into Roki‘s eyes, the latter had first had a face off with her in the girls room.
Prezzo explained that at that time, Goldie
was in the same room and Roki poured only two droplets of water on her
head. He said that Maneta should have had self control and left things
at that, stressing that only two water drops were not a justification
for what she decided to do. Maneta claimed that Roki had poured water on
her bed as well but Prezzo said her bed was never wet.
“She’s young,” Prezzo reasoned in line with the Zimbabwean lass’s
actions. Junia also shared the same sentiments about Maneta: “She needs
to see some one to let out all that anger, bitterness and weight
Prezzo also hinted on how Roki and Maneta shared a smooch: “I’m sure
you guys don’t know this but Maneta and Roki actually kissed in the
House.” He said that they covered themselves with a towel and then
started kissing. He added that at that time Maneta didn’t care what
Prezzo would think because she knew that they were close with Roki.
They also talked about how she always felt whenever she was
nominated, Prezzo said that her mood always changed whenever she learnt
about her nomination.
“We wanted to hug and kiss her but she was like don’t touch me, my make up…,” said Junia referring to the night Maneta and Teclar were up for eviction.
Barbz and Junia also told Prezzo that she had left behind messages
for them, however the ladies did not reveal the messages to the rapper.
Prezzo revealed that Maneta’s behavior and frustration in the house
could have been due to the fact that she had no where to go after the
show, he added that his friend Roki had a home unlike Maneta. “She sold
virtually everything, she has no where to run to but Roki has some where
to return to, he has a home.”
Prezzo also shared with the ladies about how he was feeling at that
particular moment when the two were disqualified. He said that he would
probably have been disqualified by now because he has no idea how he
would have reacted if Maneta had crossed his path at that particular
time. He said that he did his best, went out and chilled to avoid her.
The chat went on for a while and when they were done they went inside
where Prezzo found Goldie and made himself comfortable on the kitchen
seat before he grabbed a snack courtesy of Goldie and Lady May.
-By Joe Owakabik