Updates: Diary Room Session Live(Part Five)
Posted by Henry
Jul 05, 2012
Lady May Dairy Session, she
begins by stating that the preparation is coming along very well only
that they have a little set back. She describes her menu which comprises
of lump, rice, spinach, mashrooms, green beans and so much more
including the various decorations.
She also talks of the competition not being boring and fun since
there’s less talking and more work in the kitchen. She recognizes the
energy of seriousness among housemates.
She refutes any claims of ever doing anything to the blue team. She
however talks of an incident where they were looking at the blue team
cooking and it was just jokes in between them.
She also talks of retaliating
after some of the blue team members stealing her chocolates. She
apologizes for it even though the chocolates weren’t recovered.
Speaking of relationships; She doesn’t see love in the house and
argues that its just a choreograph set up where the participants just
cuddle for the cameras.
She talks of resorting for the garden to sleep if the weather is fine
because the girls room is now pre-occupied by the boys and feels like
she should give people privacy. She also will resort to dressing up from
the toilet.
Goldie Diary Session
She’s tired because she was sleep deprived after staying up all night
cleaning immediately they finished baking and doing the chocolates. But
she’s good.
Her fellow housemates are helpful. She thinks her teammates rely on
her so much because they keep asking for her advise on what to do.
The sleepy lady reveals to Biggie that he should expect beef and lots of other things in the cook off later in the evening.
She got nothing on her mind except being tired and only wants to
sleep. She however gets teary as she reveals that she’s nervous about
the nominations on Sunday.
Alex Diary Session
He says that they are happy that finally they have accomplished
something after they were[Blue team] announced winners. He also
describes their menu which compromises of Salmon salad among others.
He assures Biggie to expect the best from them. He cites Malonza and Junia‘s ignorance in the kitchen as the red’s weakness.
The mood in the house is relaxed, sleepy and tired after getting
deprived of sleep last night. He adds that he doesn’t think that fatigue
will affect the task presentation as long as every thing is ready an
hour earlier before the task presentations begin.
His teams secret ingredient is its taste which is the secret. He
argues that its not the ingredient that is the secret but rather the
process of preparation.
If the world was to end in the next 24 hours, how would you spend
this hours?, Biggie asks; he would spend the hours with his family.
Adding that he normally lives each day of his life to the fullest.
source bigbrotherafrica.com