Wednesday 20 June 2012

News: Wati Smarter Than Roki?

News: Wati Smarter Than Roki?

Thu, 21 Jun 2012

The two former Downville lads Keagan and Keitta spent the evening with the Upville ladies giving them elaborate descriptions of some of the many crazy characters that reside in their former home.

When it came to Wati the boys had nothing but glowing praises for the Malawian. While the scrawny Downviller seems a little lost in space at times and often likes to act the fool, Keitta and Keagan believe that underneath that care-free exterior is a hidden genius. “Wati is smart, smarter than Roki,” said Keagan and Keitta concurred.

According to Keagan, the current Downville Head of House would be better suited in the VIP House because the people are generally more mature than those in Downville. The two guys also discussed Wati’s wealth.

According to them Wati does not actually need the StarGame money as his family is well off. An inquisitive Lady May wanted to know how the lads knew this information. They revealed that they got a glimpse of his glamorous life outside of the Big Brother House through his personal items and family photos.

Before getting disqualified yesterday Roki was one of the few Housemates in the game that seemed to think before they speak most of the time and he was never sort of pearls of wisdom. Both men seem to share a love for big hair and herb smoking so could it be true, is Wati a Roki 2.0?

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