Wednesday 18 July 2012

Task: Coca-Cola Tower

Wed, 18 Jul 2012

Task: Coca-Cola Tower
The Housemates showed off their architectural skills this evening, for their Coca-Cola Tower Task.

It was fun all the way in the garden, when the Housemates were given 900 Coca-Cola cups to use as building material for their individual towers. Big Brother provided nine blocks, each with 100 cups, that the Housemates used as their construction base.

Each then built a tower that could stand for a minute. It was the ultimate comedy of errors for some of the Housemates, whose towers came crashing down. Lady May, Keitta, Prezzo and Keagan seemed to have the least problems with their towers.

It looks like some of our StarGamers should consider careers in architecture or even construction, once Big Brother wraps.



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