Thursday 5 July 2012

News: When Sweet Talking Goes Wrong. . . 

Posted by Henry on Thu, 05 Jul 2012 

News: When Sweet Talking Goes Wrong. . .
This a lesson to all the guys out there, when you are trying to sweet talk a girl and you can see that things are clearly not going your way it is best to quit while you are ahead. Unfortunately for Kyle this is a lesson that he had learn the hard way.

In the past the Ugandan has made no secret of the fact that he thinks Lady May is hot. This evening he approached the Namibian in the bathroom after he suspected that she had overheard a conversation that he was having about her with some of the other Housemates to try and smooth talk her.

When the StarGame lad queried the celebrity dame if she had overheard the conversation she snapped at him, “I don’t have long ears.” Woohoo! Oh… but wait… that was only just the first blow amongst a flurry of verbal punches from Lady May.

Not one to give up easily Kyle then tried again and again to steer the conversation to a more warm and friendly note. “As long as I am here I am going to make you talk and laugh. Can I do that for you?” he mused. He was greeted with an awkward silence from Lady May followed by the ultimate brush off. “Goodbye,” she quipped.

The gent finally took a hint and retreated back to his friends with his bruised ego. And you can always trust on your friends to take the mickey out of you at the worst of times. “How was the humiliation,” quizzed an amused Talia. Talk about kicking a guy when he’s down. Better luck next time Kyle.

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