Thursday 12 July 2012

Task: Big Brother Rescued! 

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 

Task: Big Brother Rescued!
The Housemates were rewarded handsomely after freeing Big Brother from Evil Biggie.

The Housemates managed to distract the villains long enough for Big Brother to escape the clutches of Evil Big Brother, who had taken over the Big Brother House. An epic battle of wits was witnessed in the garden this evening, when the Superheroes squared off against the Supervillains.

With only their weapons and smarts to help with their cause, the Housemates managed to free the real Big Brother. When Biggie reviewed the footage from all of this week’s Mini Tasks, he did not seem very impressed. "Housemates, you spent most of your time sleeping," he said.

Despite this speed bump on the road to victory, the Housemates won their 100 percent Wager

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