Thursday 26 July 2012

Updates: Jannette and Keagan Dairy Session

Jannette Dairy Session
She’s fine and excited to meet 2face again. She thought 2face was coming to the house again as opposed to taking items to the needy children.
On housemate’s performance, she says that she’s confident they will win the wager as its obvious every housemate can make a speech.
She also talks of having learnt a lot in this One Campaign task like discovering that 1.5 million children die of hunger. She adds that even tho’ she may not contribute anything monetarily, she will talk about the one campaign initiative to others.
When asked about whom she thinks is most creative in terms of the T/shirt designs, she points out herself describing the message behind her design which is the One dollar and also the map of Africa. She also talks of Keagan as the only other housemate who has a better design and message besides hers.
Speaking of Wati‘s ban/punishment; she says that since they are all a family in the house, Wati’s ban resulting in the whole house getting punished is fine with her.
In tonight’s presentation, she promises Biggie to expect the best as they present their speeches. She talks of how she’s going to talk about using the social networks to spread the activities of the One campaign.
As she winds up, she talks of Talia revealing to her that she got an evil eye which makes Talia afraid of her. She argues that if she’s having a bad day, she of course can’t put on a smiling face. She also points out Goldie who also commented about her eyes besides Talia.
She ends her session campaigning for herself and asks for votes from Africa.
Keagan Diary Session
Since they are cooking for the less fortunate, he says that altho’ he doesn’t know how much time they got left basing on all the foodstuffs available, the cooking is coming along well.
He also talks of besides cooking food, they are planning to raise money for the homeless as well. He adds that they want to put smiles on the homeless’ faces so that they may know that they are doing something.
When asked about what he’s gained in this week’s one campaign task, he says that one doesn’t have to be rich to help pple but the campaign has to start with a few pple so as to help the less fortunate. He also talks of seeing very many pple who lack basic needs and would love to help as much as possible.
when asked “What’s the one thing you would take away in order to replace it with another for the betterment of the less fortunate?”; He talks of taking away the poverty and then replace it with kindness in pple’s hearts.
He argues that if pple stand and stick together which can only be achieved with kindness, then a lot can be achieved and its the reason why these initiatives are called foundations.
About Wati’s ban disobedience; he talks of having decided to sympathize with Wati as he doubted Wati’s continuous survival in the house without alcohol. Its the reason he gave him some alcohol bcoz of his kindness of heart. He asks Biggie to punish him if he wants as long as he has done something good for someone.

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