Tuesday 26 June 2012

Activity : First Task.

This week’s task seems to be so scary but the Housemates seem to have not been bothered therefore decided to wager 100%.
In the briefing they received earlier in the morning, Housemates are supposed to be courageous, brave and daring while reacting towards the strange things they are to face soon.
This sounds a bit scaring but it didn’t take the Housemates  minutes to think and decide that they are going to wager 100% as usual. Though some Housenates had to act brave, others were a bit  afraid of the task imagining of what will be coming their way any time any day. In Upville Junia told Biggie that she is scared while Nafe was the Downville’s coward of the week.
In the afternoon, another brief was introduced which was instructing the Housemates not to discuss the task  or react in any way to the things they are about to see. Biggie told them that they are to receive guests of funny characters but they are not supposed to laugh,talk and react in any way to other Biggie’s surprises.
This task  looks like it  is meant to  challenge  the Housemates if not to scare them but let’s wait and see if they’ll wager as they promised Biggie.
What do you think of this week’s task to the Housemates in your own opinion?

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